The importance of regular dental visit

The importance of regular dental visit

It’s surely something we’ve heard about over and over, but why are regular dental visits very important?

A dental appointment for checkups is needed regularly because it helps to keep the teeth and gums healthy.

Prevention is always better than needing a cure.

dental visit is not only about getting your teeth cleaned but also for the following reasons:

  1. Catching Gum Diseases Early
  2. Detecting Cavities Early
  3. Detecting Oral Cancer in the Early Stages
  4. Reviewing the Oral Hygiene
  5. Protecting the overall health
  6. Getting advice based on the needs

So, are dental checkups important?

It’s not only a matter of fixing broken teeth, but also a dentist will clean them professionally and aim to keep the gums healthy, bones stronger, and correct any old habit affecting the teeth badly.

By keeping on top of your dental cleanings and checkups you’re doing yourself a big favor in the long run. There really isn’t anyone better placed to help you keep on top of your oral health than your dentist. That’s why dental visits are not a choice but a fact and we should really take it seriously in order to protect ourselves and our families.

أهمية تنظيف الأسنان بالخيط

أهمية تنظيف الأسنان بالخيط

يستخدم لإزالة بقايا الطعام واللويحات السنية الموجودة الاسنان ،وذلك في المناطق التي يصعب على فرشاة الأسنان الوصول اليها . ولأن هذ اللويحات السنية تكثر في الحيز التلاصقي ما بين الاسنان،وهي سبب اولي لحدوث امراض الفم مثل; التهاب اللثة وتسوس الاسنان وجب .علينااستخدام خيط الاسنان للحد من تطور الظروف الملائمة لتكون الأمراض 

Dental Floss

يعمل تنظيف أسنانك يومياً بخيط الأسنان على إزالة البلاك وجزيئات الطعام من أماكن حدود اللثة وما بين الأسنان اي تلك التي يصعب على فرشاة الأسنان الوصول اليها. وتجدر الإشارة إلى ان تراكم البلاك يبدأ عادة بعد حوالي أربع ساعات من تنظيف الأسنان بالفرشاة ويؤدي إلى تسوس .الأسنان وأمراض اللثة التي قد تتسبب بسقوط الأسنان المبكر عند البالغين


Dental Care

For More info Call us: 

Beirut: +96170567444

Dubai: +971564592353

Jeddah: +966 56 110 9111

Michigan: +1 313 582 1919


Composite Veneers Hollywood Smile-Beirut-Dubai-Jeddah and All over the World!

Composite Veneers Hollywood Smile-Beirut-Dubai-Jeddah and All over the World!

Composite Veneers Hollywood Smile-Beirut-Dubai-Jeddah and All over the World!

Composite Veneers 

Composite Veneers 


Composite veneers is a tooth-colored filling material used to from teeth. Zircomium crownsVeneers and Lumineers may also be used to correct the same problems that Composite veneers correct.

Dr.Habib Zarifeh 

Ferrari Dental Clinic-Lebanon-CMC

Composite Veneers is usually completed in one session at our Smile infinity by  Ferrari Dental Clinics and Labs By The number one cosmetic dentist in the Middle East Dr.Habib Zarifeh head of Clemenceau Medical Center dental division affiliated with Johns Hopkins International.


For More info Call us:

Beirut: +96170567444 

Dubai: +971564592353

Jeddah: +966 56 110 9111

Lumineers Hollywood Smile-Lebanon-Dubai-Jeddah and All over the World!

Lumineers Hollywood Smile-Lebanon-Dubai-Jeddah and All over the World!

Lumineers Hollywood Smile

Hollywood Smile

Dental Lumineers are thin shells of porcelain that are custom made to fit over teeth, providing a natural, attractive look. They can be used to fix chipped, stained, misaligned, worn down, uneven or abnormally spaced teeth.

Ferrari Dental Clinic-Lebanon-CMC

 For teeth that are severely discolored, chipped or misshapen, Lumineers create a durable and pleasing smile At our Ferrari Dental Clinics By The number one cosmetic dentist in the Middle East Dr.Habib Zarifeh head of Clemenceau Medical Center dental division affiliated with Johns Hopkins International.

For More info Call us:
Beirut: +96170567444 – Dubai: +971564592353.

Lumineers Hollywood smile veneers in Dubai

Lumineers Hollywood smile veneers in Dubai

Lumineers V/S Veneers has always been the dilemma in Cosmetic dentistry.

The truth is at the end it’s always about the dentist skill and qualifications.

 The veneers should have a milling of the natural tooth structure while the Lumineers has always been proved to last longer and no milling of the natural tooth structure can be needed. 

For more info you can always visit and 

Dr.Habib Zarifeh the Lunineers dentist in Dubai, Beirut, and Jeddah will make you smile just the way you like it.

Hollywood smile dentist Dubai UAE

FeaturedHollywood smile dentist Dubai UAE

Veneers, Lumineers, cosmetic dentistry top notch technology in Dubai at your fingertips

When Beauty Meets ISO !!!
Dr.Habib Zarifeh will be consulting patients in Dubai UAE.

Creating beautiful smiles all over the world!
Call us now:
Dubai: +971564592353 (Whatsapp…)
Lebanon: +96170567444 (Whatsapp…)
No anesthesia, No drilling, No pain
The Lumineers difference with Dr.Habib Zarifeh the Hollywood smile dentist in Dubai and Beirut.
